Speed Up CNC Machining Processes

CNC machining is an essential process in the world of manufacturing. It involves using computer-controlled machines to cut, shape, and form various materials into precise shapes and sizes. However, the process can be time-consuming and expensive, especially when dealing with large quantities of materials.

Fortunately, there are several ways to speed up CNC machining processes and achieve faster turnaround times, higher productivity, and increased profitability.

Organize Your Shop Floor

A streamlined shop layout facilitates fast, efficient CNC machining processes. This reduces wasted time and resources, increasing profitability and minimizing confusion. Organize your CNC equipment according to the order in which materials are processed, so material can smoothly flow from one station to another quickly and without obstructions. Be sure to allow plenty of space between machinery and organize small tools, bits, and clamps for each machine nearby to ready access.

Keep Up with Routine Training

CNC machining is complex, making knowledgeable and skilled operators crucial. Provide routine training for your machinists and other team members to keep their skills sharp. Refresher training on common machining processes and new training on industry innovations will keep your team fresh, knowledgeable, and at a high level of proficiency.

Optimize Tool Paths

Optimizing tool paths involves analyzing the design files and identifying areas where the tool can move more efficiently and quickly. By optimizing tool paths, you can reduce tool movement time, which can significantly reduce the overall machining time. Additionally, optimizing tool paths helps minimize tool wear and tear, resulting in longer tool life and reduced costs.

Use Advanced Cutting Tools

Using advanced cutting tools is another effective strategy for speeding up CNC machining processes. Advanced cutting tools, such as high-performance end mills, drills, and inserts, can significantly reduce machining time and increase productivity. These tools are designed to operate at higher speeds and feed rates, which can result in faster cutting times and reduced cycle times. Additionally, advanced cutting tools can help to minimize tool wear and tear and improve surface finish quality.

Implement Lean Manufacturing Principles

Implementing lean manufacturing principles is another effective strategy for speeding up CNC machining processes. Lean manufacturing eliminates waste and streamlines processes to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. By implementing lean manufacturing principles, you can identify and eliminate bottlenecks, reduce cycle times, and optimize workflows. Additionally, lean manufacturing can help reduce costs and improve quality, resulting in increased profitability.

Adopt a Scheduled Preventive Maintenance Plan

Scheduled maintenance is vital to keeping your machines running smoothly and efficiently. Think about it this way: if your machines are well-maintained, they will be less likely to break down or experience other issues that can slow down production. That means you can get your products out the door faster and keep your customers happy.

Scheduled preventive maintenance for CNC machines can include anything from inspecting the machine for wear and tear to replacing worn parts. Regularly maintaining your machine can extend its life and keep it running at peak performance.

Accurate Machine Tool Services offers three customizable levels of Preventive Maintenance Services to fit the needs of any CNC machine shop.

  • SILVER – Basic Health Assessment: Provides a detailed inspection and a report on the overall condition of your machines, including Backlash and Geometries.
  • GOLD – Assessment + Cleaning: The GOLD Preventive Maintenance program includes the Basic Health Assessment, thorough cleaning, and changing all oils and filters in your machinery.
  • PLATINUM – Complete Diagnostics & Cleaning: Includes SILVER & GOLD, and we compile data for your records. Using our QC20 Renishaw Ballbar Testing Equipment, we can verify machine geometries to ensure your machines perform as they should and provide documented results.

Optimize Your CNC Machining Processes

CNC machining is an essential process in the world of manufacturing, but it can be time-consuming and expensive. Use these helpful tips to speed up the CNC machining processes in your operation and achieve faster turnaround times, higher productivity, and increased profitability.

Contact Accurate MTS today to learn about fast, reliable repairs or preventive maintenance for your complex CNC machinery.