Make Your Workshop Run Like Clockwork With Accurate Machine Tool Services

Running a machine shop is a challenging task that requires patience, skill, and attention to detail. Just a few simple tips can make the difference between your workshop experiencing chaos throughout the workday or running like clockwork.

The repair and maintenance experts at Accurate Machine Tool Services have wide experience working in all types and sizes of machine shops and other workshops. Here are some valuable recommendations to make your workshop run efficiently.

Keep Your Equipment in Good Condition

The first step in running any workshop is ensuring your equipment is in excellent working condition. Regular preventive maintenance is essential to keep your machines running smoothly, so make sure that you schedule routine inspections and repairs.

Accurate Machine Tool Services offers superior-quality tailored CNC Maintenance Services for every type and size shop. Choose from three levels of preventive maintenance services, each fully customized to your workshop equipment’s needs.

They also offer fast, reliable CNC Mechanical Repair and Electrical Repair on various machinery brands and models throughout Wisconsin. Contact them when problems arise to prevent costly downtime.

Train Your Employees

Your employees are the backbone of your machine shop, so it’s crucial to provide them with thorough training. Make sure that all employees are trained on each piece of equipment they will be using and that they understand the safety procedures involved. Provide regular refresher courses and update their training as needed.

Maintain a Safe Work Environment

Safety is of the utmost importance in a machine shop. Ensure your employees have the proper protective gear, such as safety glasses, gloves, and earplugs. Post signs throughout the shop reminding employees of safety procedures, and make sure that emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, is readily available.

Keep Your Workshop Clean and Organized

Maintaining a clean and organized workshop is crucial to its success. Ensure the shop is clutter-free and that tools and equipment are appropriately stored. Regularly clean the shop floor and equipment to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Communicate with Your Customers

Effective communication is essential to running a successful machine shop. Ensure you communicate regularly with your customers, providing them with updates on their orders and any changes to their delivery schedules. Respond promptly to any questions or concerns they may have, and be transparent about any issues that arise.

Embrace Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool in running a machine shop. Consider implementing software that can help you manage orders, inventory, and equipment maintenance. Explore the latest technologies in the industry, such as automation and 3D printing, to see if they can benefit your shop.

Keeping the newest and most modern equipment in your workshop is essential. Talk to a team member at Accurate MTS about new machine tool sales and CNC machinery parts, and learn more about what is available and how modern tools and machinery can increase the productivity and profitability of your workshop.

  • Milling
  • Turning
  • Robotics
  • Software
  • Grinders
  • EDM
  • Saws & Fabrication Equipment

Continuously Improve

Finally, improving continuously is the key to running a successful machine shop. Regularly assess your processes and procedures, looking for areas where you can streamline operations and increase efficiency. Encourage employee and customer feedback, and be open to making changes as needed.

What does a typical day in your workshop look like? Is it haphazard, random, chaotic, and stressful? Could it be better? Accurate Machine Tool Services is ready to assist you with helpful advice, reliable repair and preventive maintenance services, parts, tools, equipment, and more. Contact us today for help making your workshop efficient, safe, and profitable.